
Proven Quality & Provenance
Brownrigg Agriculture is one of New Zealand’s leading onion growers. Our crop is grown in the Hawke’s Bay, a region renown for good yielding, nutritious onions with great shelf-life.
We grow a mix of Brown Onions and Red Onions, exporting around 12,000 tonnes per year. Our supply starts in late January and goes through until June.
As passionate growers we are fully focussed on producing a great quality, long keeping onion in a sustainable way.
Our production systems are NZ GAP and GRASP approved and we have a strong emphasis on product safety and traceability. We operate our own Packhouse where we grade, size and pack into the lines required by our valued Exporter partners to meet their specific customer’s needs.
For further enquiries about our onion production, please contact our Cropping Office.