Earn competitive prices with no capital outlay
Our livestock finishing enterprise is built on the natural winter/spring pasture production strengths of our farming operations, and the complementary nature of lamb, cattle and cash cropping enterprises.
To leverage these strengths, and enable the year-round servicing of market partners, Brownrigg Agriculture coordinates further lamb and beef supply from contracted sharefarmers and other finishing farmers.
All livestock produced for Brownrigg Agriculture programmes is farmed to high standards in terms of animal husbandry and traceability.
Our intention is to grow our sharefarming business and we are seeking farmers with suitable finishing country and capability.
Opportunity to Finish Lambs on Contract
Join our market proven, successful lamb finishing programme – see our Lambs on Contract advertisement
Opportunity to Finish Bulls on Contract
Bulls available now – see our Bulls on Contract advertisement
For further information about our sharefarming contracts, please contact our Livestock Office.